Thermographic study with the help of the Colombian Air Force (FAC).

The study consisted of recording with infrared cameras the temperature changes that were generated in some soldiers where Dr. Frinta used his hands. This procedure was performed at a distance of 2 inches for a set time.

This work is done with the help of the colombian air force, using its technicians and technology, finding a way to seek an effective and inexpensive treatment.

Due to the many healings of various serious diseases through Dr. Frinta’s hands (held his medicine degree at the University of Innsbruck- Austria) a thermographic study started at the Air Force base facilities in Madrid- Cundinamarca to find out what kind of energy phenomenon is about and seek an effective and inexpensive therapeutic and human health service with the help of the Colombian Air Force and its highly skilled personnel.

Thermographic studies have been practiced at the Colombian Air Force facilities in Madrid (Cundinamarca) on several occasions with the consent of some officials such as General (ret), Edgar Alfonso Lesmez Abad (retired commander of the Colombian Air Force), and General Eleutreu, the same as some technicians among them the Engineer Omar Bernal Fabian Murcia with whom I have had an extraordinary use of sophisticated equipments, especially the thermographic camera, which together with specialized software, obtaining some records (created in graphs and charts) being a very useful way to measure a temperature change.

This time, thanks to the collaboration mentioned above, we have the following results by applying a new technique to 10 people at two different times:

The methodology was the application of "something " as yet unknown (some unknown flow of energy, vibrations, subtle magnetic fields ) to each person on a particular area for a 7 minute period of time at a distance of less than an inch through Dr. Willy Frinta’s hands. This was supposed to change (increase) in temperature in this area of the human body for a short period of time and could be observed in all individuals who were tested and there is a common pattern.

In previous practices some important changes have been seen after applying these possible magnetic vibrations, which have not been studied in patients with certain diseases, so far. The same behavior of the organism has always been observed: temperature rise for a while, which would be the cause of possible changes in metabolic or biochemical mechanisms in species obtaining energy homeostasis in a rapid and sustained way. It was observed that this method is very useful in different infections as well as in the management of gangrene, pathologic process; the infection may have been acquired as a result of a trauma caused by (e.g. anti-personnel mines).
This observation led us to further research on this phenomenon.

Thanks to the collaboration of Colombian Air Force and its officers we were able to get some results as can be seen in these graphs. The studies were seen by distinguished figures amongst them General (ret) Edgar Alfonso Lesmez Abad, Engineer Jorge Reynolds Pombo (inventor of the first internal pacemaker in 1958), Dr. Augusto Leyva Samper (Cardiologist and Professor Emeritus of Cardiology in Paris in the 60's and early intensive care in Colombia) and Dr. Ramon Fayad Nafah (Dean of the faculty of Physics of the Universidad de los Andes and Rector of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2005). We hope that in the not too distant future we will give more results and be more concrete on temperature changes produced by Dr. Willy Frinta’s hands which could be very important to cope with severe diseases and also could replace some essential drugs until now.

We are very hopeful to have the wisdom of our scientists, physicists and chemists, to have an important aid and counting in a very short time with a clear answer about the origin of this phenomenon of energy.



Temperature analysis Person 1:



Temperature analysis Person 2:



Temperature analysis Person 3:



Temperature analysis Person 4:




Temperature Comparison (Area):



Thermal Analysis vs Time Person 2:




Thermal Analysis vs Time Person 3:



Thermal Analysis vs Time Person 4:



Temperature analysis Person 5:

